Meet at gate 16 E, 2151 Spinner Lane Sanford text 407 304 0563 to confirm …. Linda
Plane Wash This Saturday OCFC “before the busy Holiday Season ” …… come visit & meet new members, applicants, and see the fleet
This Saturday Oct 26 8:30-10:-00. South East Ramp Come visit & meet new members, applicants and see the fleet. All 3 airplanes available. If not badged meet at gate 16 E (2151 Spinner Lane Sanford ) for an escort. Please stay with member at all times. Call Linda 407 304 0563 for an escort Read More…
OCFC Christmas Party Dec 7th 6 pm Location TBD
Start the Christmas Season on Dec 7th 6 pm. Location TBD Potluck sides and desserts. Barker’s will provide home made Brisket
OCFC Orientation August 22nd 6:30 pm for interested applicants
Meet @ 6:30 in front of Gate 16E located at 2151 Spinner Lane. Linda or Mark will meet you at the gate, we will open the gate & you will drive through the gate, then line up parallel to our cars. We will wait for the gate to close completely and then we will drive Read More…
Plane Wash Coffee & Munchies… meet our new members August 24th 8am
Pilot Lounge SER 8:00am Coffee & Breakfast Munchies & Talk Aviation 8:30 -9:30 Plane wash Unbadged members/guests must be escorted to and from and be in the immediate vicinity of a club badged club member at all times as TSA is tightening their badge Checks with penalties We hope to hear from you Read More…
OCFC gathers for Sanford Airshow 11:30-15:00 Oct 28th
Watch the show with OCFC members on Saturday, 28 Oct. No charge for Members,their guests, and prospective members. Bring your portable chairs, coolers, ice, your preferred beverage, and either a potluck dish or a suggested donation of $5, but not required. The Club will providehotdogs, chips, water and soft drinks. The aerial portion of the Read More…